Lessons From a Staff Engineer at Dropbox

Lessons from Ritu Vincent, a Staff Engineer at Dropbox:

  • Staff Engineers often try out different ideas that don’t go into production, so don’t measure your impact by the number of things that get shipped out but by your potential influence to the company.
  • There are two types of Staff Engineers at Dropbox, specialists and tech-leads. Tech-leads are the most common.
  • Tech-leads often do design work, coordination and drive the project ahead.
  • When leading a complex project, don’t make the mistake of giving the easy parts to the team and taking the difficult ones. Try to delegate the complex tasks to stretch and grow the team.
  • You should spend a lot of time advocating for things and being visible.
  • Everyone is struggling with impostor syndrome, so don’t be afraid of asking to work on difficult projects. We often tend to only ask to work on projects that we are sure that we will succeed, and this is due to impostor syndrome. Working on difficult ambiguous projects is what will grow and stretch you.
  • It’s all about showing a balance of cultural & technical impact across the company.
  • Having a social circle composed of smart, experienced & impactful people is a great way to learn, e.g. going often with them to lunches … etc.
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Fencing Tokens and Distributed Locking

In this post I’m gonna share a concept called Fencing Tokens, which I learned from the book Designing Data-Intensive Applications.

Fencing tokens is a mechanism that is used to protect against faulty writes to storage systems that happen in distributed systems.

Let’s take an example. Suppose we have a storage resource (file, DB) and two nodes (A, B) that want write to this storage. Node A acquires the lock to write to this storage from a Lock Service. The Lock Service issues the lock based on a time-lease, which means that a node can have the lock only for fixed amount of time and then it expires. Now Node A has the lock and can start writing, however unfortunately it goes into a Garbage Collection (GC) cycle, at this point Node A has the lock, unresponsive and basically waiting for the GC cycle to finish.

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Lessons From a Frontend Architect at Etsy

Lessons from Katie Sylor-Miller, a Frontend Architect at Etsy:

  • It seems that a Staff Engineer at Etsy is either someone who has a deep technical knowledge in a team’s area, or one that does work impacting several times. It seems that the later one is considered a more senior staff engineer at Etsy.
  • It’s recommended to keep track of your work (tickets done, meetings, experiments, improvements …etc) because when you are a staff then you are responsible for your time. Many staff engineers find it hard to quantify their work, so it’s important to keep track of your work to not feel bad that you are not achieving.
  • If you are not part of a JIRA sprint, then create your own sprint, i.e to-do-list to track your work.
  • When you are a Staff Engineer you don’t get the chance to code a lot, but at the same time you have to know what’s being shipped and the current projects happening. To solve this you need to network a lot and meet with people. One way to do this is to participate in social events where colleagues from different teams join so you get to know as much as possible.
  • It’s important to network with managers, because your job is often to “influence without authority”. You often need to sell ideas and managers are often the final decision-makers.
  • Often the path to reach staff is to look for problems and proactively solve them, instead of just ignoring things and letting them go.
  • It’s important to make your work visible at all times, but it’s extra important when you are remote since a lot of your work/progress goes hidden under Slack threads and pull-requests.
  • Helping folks means: being available, being humble, hearing them and understanding their needs.
  • It’s not about building a stronger technical skillset, it’s about building a strong reputation.
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List of Startup / VC Conferences in Berlin 2022 / 2023

Here is a list of startup and VC conferences happening in Berlin in 2022 / 2023 that might interest entrepreneurs or senior executives looking for networking opportunities in Berlin, or even for senior product managers looking to see what’s new being built out there.

  • AsiaBerlin Summit (12 to 16 September 2022): “brings together startup ecosystems across Asia and Europe”.
  • Rejuvenation Startup Summit (October 14-15 2022): “The leading networking event for rejuvenation startups, longevity investors, and translational researchers”.
  • Smart Country Convention SCCON22 (18 – 20 October 2022): “The Leading Congress For E-government, Smart City & Smart Region!”
  • The Project A Knowledge Conference (7 October 2022): “a one-day in-person conference for anyone who seeks to change the world of startups and venture capital”.
  • Superventure (28 February – 2 March 2023): “THE LP/VC RELATIONS EVENT”.
  • hub.berlin (28 – 29 JUN 2023): “The business festival for digital movers and makers”.
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